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  • GHW Info

Meet the Home Team

As every new development has taken place at the George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center, a power team from the community has been hard at work. Meet a few of them here.

The warm welcome for the Bay Leaf Builders (who traveled 2 hours there and back seven times) included coffee and breakfast in the mornings and a full meal in the middle of the day, provided by the team of Ms. Janet Cary (who cooked but had to go to work so missed the picture!) Gracie George, Stella Barden, and Carolyn Greene, and for previous workdays, by Barbara Troy, Mary Simmons and Mrs. Kenneth Todd.

Bay Leaf's project leader, Dick Wilkinson, brought a pint of bar-b-que for each of the ladies to show his appreciation for them preparing food for their lunch. Dick also expressed gratitude to Ocie Jones, saying " I cannot say enough about how much help Ocie has been to our team. He always had the materials available when we needed them. We would not near be completed without his help." Of course, Vince Spaulding has been on hand for every step of the project, traveling from Durham to meet the team, record it all in photos, organize the logistics and schedule, often juggling many different elements to make it happen. A spirit of "can do" and a heart of generosity has been evident in every part of the project, and it is bearing great fruit.



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